Sunday, 10 July 2016

#sayitwithpepsi #pepsimoji Target Audience Engagement

The target audience is engaging in the #sayitwithpepsi #pepsimoji campaign. This campaign is aimed for the mass market though it would be most suited towards the 18-34-age bracket. This segment of Pepsi’s market is active on social media so Pepsi created a distinct social media platform that promoted the engagement of consumers.

Blog four had statistics of the engagement of consumers on the social media platforms, this has only increased in the week since. Twitter and Facebook appear to be the main social media platforms in which customers engage with the marketing campaign. It is easier to measure the engagement of consumers through social media due to the designated hash tags of the campaign. The hash tags are also a way for the customers to share their experiences and see the experiences of other satisfied customers. Rogers (2014) states it is important to“get them in your network, engage them, and get them hooked on your content”. Pepsi to gain the most exposure had to have interactive content that would attract and maintain customer usage. This is through the YouTube videos, packaging, and other social media networks being managed correctly to optimise engagement of potential as well as existing customers. This type of integrated marketing campaign would be considered unsuccessful if there was not enough engagement from consumers.

The 18-34 year old age bracket will be most likely to respond positively to the campaign. If Pepsi cannot get this age bracket to engage it will be evident that the campaign is not doing enough or not producing content that resonates with consumers. One of the aims of the campaign was to get the next generation of consumers to become regular Pepsi drinkers. Consumers of cola are often loyal to either Pepsi or Coca Cola so creating engaging content to differentiate Pepsi is crucial to the success of marketing campaigns.   
(Source: Pepsi, 2016)

(Source: Pepsi, 2016)


Rogers, B. (2014). 6 Social Media Customer Engagement Tips. [online] Evergage. Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul. 2016].

Pepsi, (2016). Pepsi Twitter. [image] Available at: [Accessed 7 Jul. 2016].

Pepsi, (2016). Pepsi YouTube. [image] Available at: [Accessed 7 Jul. 2016].

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