Sunday, 26 June 2016

Campaign Media Types

The #sayitwithpepsi #pepsimoji campaign uses a variety of media channels to communicate their message. The advertisements across the media channels are all interconnected with the emoji app. “Pepsi will support the program with digital and traditional advertising, a spokeswoman confirmed” (Schultz and Wohl, 2016). The campaign has a strong social media presence, which targets young consumers as well as anyone else who uses social media. This includes the use of hash tagging on Facebook and Twitter as well as short and story type YouTube advertisements. An example of one of the YouTube advertisements is ‘Pepsi Emojis here now’ which shows different scenarios where the pepsimojis could be useful to describe moments in their lives.

Pepsi also use some of the same advertisements for television and movie cienams. The ‘Backpackers’ advertisement is an example of an advertisement in cinemas and on YouTube that has been placed to show that the app can even break down cultural barriers if you #sayitwithpepsi. The emojis also make it easier to be understood by people across the world. The selection of these media channels is a successful way of targeting the next generation of Pepsi consumers by keeping the product relevant in the modern marketplace.
The use of traditional media outlets is a way of still incorporating consumers with a low or non-existent social media presence. The media channels designated are effective due to the mass market they are able to reach and being able to successfully communicate their desired message. This campaign will be a beneficial indicator of whether or not a focus on social media will be an effective tool to achieve an integrated marketing communication campaign. The use of the emojis on the packaging provides a strong link between the advertisements and the use of social media that consumers will be able be involved in.
(Source: Pepsi, 2016)


Pepsi, (2016). Say It With Pepsi. [image] Available at: [Accessed 25 Jun. 2016].

Schultz, E. and Wohl, J. (2016). Pepsi Preps Global Emoji Can and Bottle Campaign. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Jun. 2016].


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